Our Services

In-person and Online Private Tutoring


One-on-One Lessons

For personalized support

Group Lessons

For peer support

Writing Help

To find the perfect words for your essay

Homework Help

To get the boring stuff out of the way

Exam Prep

Cram sessions galore!

Organization and Study Skills

To ensure academic success for life

Based in Toronto, Ontario, we provide private tutoring and educational development services for high school and early university students with a focus in the Ontario educational curriculum. Our services are available online (through virtual sessions) and in-person (for students who live in Toronto and the GTA).


We provide both one-on-one tutoring and group tutoring. Our expertise is in all core Math, Science, and English courses, as well as select subjects in various other topics. In addition to teaching, we are able to provide support for all activities related to school, including everything from homework help to exam preparation and even remedial/advanced studies.

In-person Tutoring

$70 per hour (1-on-1)

Available in-home or at a location of your choice (such as a library or coffee shop), we provide in-person tutoring for all of our students reachable within our service area. Our in-person tutoring allows for immediate feedback, detailed explanations, and personalized demonstrations. This face-to-face interaction fosters stronger communication and trust, creating a comfortable environment where students feel encouraged to ask questions and engage fully.

A professor and student shake hands in front of a chalkboard filled with mathematical formulas, symbolizing education and mentorship.
Young student engaged in online class, using computer at home learning environment.

Online Tutoring

$60 per hour (1-on-1)

Our online tutoring services bring expert instruction right to your home, no matter where you’re located! With the flexibility of virtual learning, you can access quality tutoring without being limited by our service area. We use Google Meet to host our lessons, ensuring a smooth and interactive experience with features like screen sharing, live annotations, and real-time communication.

Group Tutoring

$50 per hour (per person)

Group tutoring is an excellent option for students looking to collaborate and learn alongside friends or peers. With groups of 2-5 students, these sessions encourage peer support and shared problem-solving, creating a highly engaging experience that’s often more beneficial than one-on-one tutoring. Group tutoring is best utilized with in-person sessions, where collaboration can flourish naturally, but is also available online through Google Meet for added flexibility. Please contact us directly if you would like to inquire about our group tutoring services.

people, girls, women, students, friends, talking, meeting, study, group, activity, homework, group work, brainstorming, group study, people, people, people, students, students, students, friends, friends, friends, talking, meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting, study, study, group

Course Offerings

We are primarily focused on high school Math, Science, and English courses covered by the Ontario curriculum as well as first year University courses typically offered by Engineering and Physical Sciences departments. However, we are able to accommodate all grade levels and subjects upon request. We support all Advanced Placement (AP) and pre-AP course equivalents, as well as International Baccalaureate (IB) and pre-IB programming.

Grade 9

  • Mathematics  (MTH1W)

Grade 10

  • Principles of Mathematics (MPM2D)
  • Foundations of Mathematics (MFM2P)

Grade 11

  • Functions (MCR3U)
  • Functions and Applications (MCF3M)
  • Foundations for College Mathematics (MBF3C)
  • Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL3E)

Grade 12

  • Advanced Functions (MHF4U)
  • Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)
  • Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U)
  • Mathematics for College Technology (MCT4C)
  • Foundations for College Mathematics (MAP4C)
  • Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL4E)
Grade 9
  • Science (SNC1W)
Grade 10
  • Science (SNC2D) – Academic
  • Science (SNC2P) – Applied
Grade 11
  • Biology (SBI3U) – University
  • Biology (SBI3C) – College
  • Chemistry (SCH3U)
  • Physics (SPH3U)
Grade 12*
  • Physics (SPH4U) – University
  • Physics (SPH4C) – College
* Grade 12 Biology and Chemistry courses (SBI4U, SCH4U, and SCH4C) are available upon request.
Grade 9
  • English (ENL1W)
Grade 10
  • English (ENG2D) – Academic
  • English (ENG2P) – Applied
Grade 11
  • English (ENG3U) – University
  • English (ENG3C) – College
  • English (ENG3E) – Workplace
Grade 12
  • English (ENG4U) – University
  • English (ENG4C) – College
  • English (ENG4E) – Workplace
  • Mechanics
  • Dynamics
  • Optics and Waves
  • Circuits/Electrical Fundamentals
  • Calculus 1 (Single Variable Differential Calculus)
  • Calculus 2 (Single Variable Integral Calculus)
  • Linear Algebra
  • Intro Physics 1 (Classical Physics with Calculus)
  • Intro Physics 2 (Electromagnetism with Calculus)

Contact Us!

Fill out the form below to send us a message about any questions, concerns, or inquiries you may have and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you would like to inquire about a Free Consultation, please indicate so in the “Message” field below. Please provide any information that may be relevant.

If you prefer a more informal approach, feel free to email us at info@inspirelearning.ca or text us at 437-385-9417.

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